Mixtures and Solutions
Mixtures and Solutions
Solutions are composed of substances that mix so completely that they cannot be distinguished as separate substances. In a solution, the substance that dissolves is called the solute. The solvent is the substance in which the solute is being dissolved. Sugar is the solute and water is the solvent. A solution is usually a mixture of a solid that dissolves completely in a liquid (ex. Sugar in water).
Solutions are groups of molecules that are mixed and evenly distributed in a system. Scientists say that solutions are homogenous systems. Everything in a solution is evenly spread out and thoroughly mixed. Heterogeneous mixtures have a little more of one thing (higher concentration) in one part of the system when compared to another.
Comparing Mixtures and Solutions:

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Mixtures and Solutions are used all the time when cooking. Discuss with your kiddo what portion of their meal is a mixture and what is a solution.
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