Natural Resources


Natural Resources

Natural Resources exist freely in nature. These things include water (seas and fresh water), land, soils, rocks, forests (vegetation), animals (including fish), fossil fuels and minerals. They are the basis of life on earth.

All these mentioned above are natural, and they exist in nature. No human created them. We tap into their supply to survive and also to function properly. Natural resources are all connected in a way. Therefore if one is taken away, it will affect the supply or quality of all others. For example, if water is eliminated from an area, the vegetation, soils, animals and even the air in that area will be affected negatively.

Here are some great things we get from natural resources:

Natural resources are broken down into two categories according to their production, renewable and nonrenewable.

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Renewable resources can be replaced and replenished in our lifetime. Some examples are sun, wind, water, soil, and plants. 

Nonrenewable resources cannot be replaced in our lifetime. They do not renew quickly.Some examples are coal, oil, diamond, fossil fuels.

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Image result for natural resources

Here are some videos that further explain these differences:

Here are some games to help further your knowledge:


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