Perimeter and Area


Perimeter and Area

Image result for area

We are working on perimeter and area. We have focused quite a bit on the formulas that are used to find both. In fact, your kiddo might have come home talking about the 3 good Fs in math. This is a saying that we use to help us remember to use the formula when finding perimeter and area.

Find the formula and write it down.
Fill in the formula with the correct measurements.
Find the answer and label the unit.

Image result for perimeter

Perimeter is the distance around a two-dimensional shape.

We focused on three formulas to find perimeter:

P = s + s + s (perimeter = side + side + side) - this formula can be used on any shape

P = 4 x s (perimeter = 4 x side) - this formula works for squares

Image result for perimeter of a square

P = (2 x l) + (2 x w) or P = 2(l +w); perimeter = (2 x length) + (2 x width) - this formula works for rectangles

Image result for area

Area is the size of a surface or the amount of space inside the boundary of a flat (2-dimensional) object.

We focused on one formula to find the area of a rectangle:

A = l x w (area = length x width)

Image result for area of a rectangle

Follow this link if you want more clarification on calculating perimeter and area:

Calculating Perimeter and Area

Here are a couple of songs we listened to in class:

Cat Perimeter and Area Song

Perimeter and Area Song

Here are some games that you can play to practice these skills.

Math Playground Area and Perimeter

Zoo Designer


Area Shape Game

Chicken Corral

Knights of Area and Perimeter

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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